August 5, 2020 10:25 pm
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When it comes to making sure that their beloved felines in Alexandria, VA are getting the best diet possible, cat owners should be sure to pay special attention to the amount of water their cat receives. Often, cat owners can unintentionally give their cats a diet that is low in moisture because they operate under the impression that their feline is drinking plenty of water from their dish or fountain. That may not be the case, which means your cat isn’t getting enough water while also consuming a dry food diet that is too high in plant-based protein and carbohydrates... View Article
July 28, 2020 3:57 am
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Far and away, the safest thing you can do for your cat is to keep them in your home. In years past, it was customary to let these capable hunters come and go as they please. That sentiment is changing as more and more homeowners move their feline friends exclusively indoors. Of course, you can take a cat out of nature, but you can’t take the nature out of the cat. Even when they’re exclusively indoors, you’ll discover that your cats are still drawn to the outside world. They crowd open windows and follow the flight paths of birds. Even... View Article
April 2, 2020 11:29 pm
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While many cats do enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s generally agreed that indoors is the safer place for our feline friends. If you have an indoor-only cat, it’s extremely important that you provide an adequate amount of mental stimulation to keep your kitty from becoming bored or stressed. Exercise is also a must for indoor cats so they don’t become overweight (or even lazier than some of them already are). As someone with an indoor cat, you’ve probably searched the internet for easy ways to keep your pet happy, healthy and entertained. We would be happy to provide a few... View Article
March 13, 2020 9:13 pm
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Your cat more than likely lives the good life, just by virtue of being a cat, but most cats—indoor and outdoor alike—long to be outdoors. Unfortunately, there are many dangers outdoors, from wild animals to passing cars, making some owners hesitant to let their cats out even for a short time. The solution? A catio! It’s a cat-friendly enclosure that your pet can access from a pet door, allowing them to enjoy fresh air, sunshine and outdoor stimulation while still keeping them safe. There are a lot of pre-built options that you can install, but you can also build your... View Article
December 11, 2019 12:02 am
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Many people choose to celebrate the holidays or new year by opening up their home and hearts to a new pet. The holidays in Alexandria, VA are a wonderful time to add to the family, but bringing new pets into the home can be tricky. If you are planning to celebrate by bringing home a new pet this season, here are some things you should know. Create a safe space If you are bringing a pet home from a shelter, or even a pet store, chances are they’ve spent the last few weeks or months in a rather small space... View Article