
Everything You Need to Know About Hairballs

March 29, 2018 6:49 pm Published by

Cats make the perfect pets, except for the hairballs. While cats are known for their cleanliness, hairballs are one of the deep, dark secrets about cat ownership that no one really wants to talk about, until now. Hairballs are usually a normal part of being a cat parent, but they can sometimes be a sign or symptom that something is wrong with your cat. As a cat veterinarian in Alexandria, VA, we’ve put together some information that every cat owner should know about hairballs. What exactly is a hairball? Hairballs are wads of fur that get caught in either your... View Article

Seven Tips for Making the Most of Playtime with Your Cat

March 15, 2018 6:49 pm Published by

Playing with your cat is fun, enjoyable and even relaxing, but there’s actually more happening during playtime than you might realize. Interactive play helps with your cat’s physical and mental development. It also helps bolster the relationship between you and your cat. But not all toys and forms of play are beneficial to your cat’s development. With this in mind, here are a few expert tips for playing with your cat from your local cat clinic in Alexandria, VA. Play like prey Have a variety of toys that mimic your cat’s natural prey. Playing with these types of toys can... View Article

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