Categories for Cat Vaccinations


Herpesvirus Infection in Cats

June 1, 2024 6:44 pm Published by

Herpesvirus infection, also known as feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), is a common viral disease that affects cats worldwide. Caused by the feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1), this contagious virus primarily affects the respiratory system but can also lead to ocular and systemic complications. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore herpesvirus infection in cats, covering its symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures to keep your feline friend healthy and happy. Understanding Herpesvirus Infection in Cats Causes and Transmission Feline herpesvirus type 1 (FHV-1) is responsible for causing herpesvirus infection in cats. The virus is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact... View Article

The Importance of Routine Veterinary Care

January 27, 2024 10:11 pm Published by

As pet owners, we lovingly care for our furry companions and want to ensure they live happy and healthy lives. One key aspect of maintaining the well-being of our pets is routine veterinary care. Regular visits to a trusted veterinarian play a crucial role in preventing diseases, detecting health issues early, and ensuring our pets receive the necessary vaccinations and treatments. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of routine veterinary care and the benefits it provides for our beloved pets. 1. Prevention is Better than Cure: Just like in human healthcare, prevention is better than cure when... View Article

How to Build a Catio for Your Cat

April 27, 2023 9:53 pm Published by

How to Build a Catio for Your Cat Have you ever thought about building a catio for your cat? A catio is an enclosed space that can allow your cat to enjoy the outdoors while remaining safe from dangers such as predators, traffic, or harsh weather. It also provides a perfect place for your kitty to catch some fresh air, sunbathe, stretch, and play outside without causing trouble. Here are some steps to help you build your DIY catio. 1. Plan The first step towards building a catio is to plan. Think about the size, location, and design of your... View Article

Kitten & Cat Vaccines

July 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by

If you own a cat, you should understand the importance of getting your cat vaccines to keep it healthy. However, it is essential that you know exactly the ones that are required at certain ages. You should also familiarize yourself with the way vaccines work to help keep your cat safe. Cat Vaccinations Understanding the way cats get sick may be tricky if you are not a trained vet. Diseases are caused by germs or pathogens and can include anything from a virus or bacteria to another microorganism. These make their way into your cat’s body, causing them to become... View Article

The Kitten Vaccination Schedule

June 17, 2020 11:13 pm Published by

As a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, millions of people have been forced to shelter in place to avoid the worst of the pandemic. As we settle at home, some families and single adults have noticed something missing: a family pet. Across the United States, adoption rates of cats have been soaring as more and more people welcome cute and cuddly kittens into their homes. As these new kittens become cherished parts of the family, however, it’s important to make sure they have everything they need to grow up healthy and happy. That means making sure... View Article

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Kingstowne Cat Clinic