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Signs of Heart Worm Disease in Cats

April 22, 2019 9:02 pm Published by

Keeping your cat happy and healthy is likely your highest goal as a cat owner. If they get sick with an infection like heart worm, you want to know why it happened and what to do. Below, the team at our cat care clinic in Alexandria, VA outlines what heart worm is and lists some of the signs of heart worm disease in cats. Causes of heart worm disease Heart worms are bloodborne parasites that settle in the heart or nearby large blood vessels of an infected animal—and these parasites are not small. The size of female worms ranges from... View Article

What Are the Most Common Signs of Illness in Cats?

April 8, 2019 9:02 pm Published by

Cats are experts at hiding pain and illness, which makes it difficult to notice potential health problems. This means your cat is likely to accept physical discomfort as normal. If you are not familiar with your cat’s typical behaviors, it could take you a long time to notice that something is wrong. When you do notice changes, don’t ignore them—contact your vet right away if you have questions. Below, a local cat care clinic in Alexandria, VA highlights the most common signs of illness in cats: Vomiting: Dogs vomiting occasionally is not too worrisome, especially when you have observed them... View Article

Why Is My Cat Limping?

March 28, 2019 6:49 pm Published by

Is your furry friend having a hard time getting around? You might be unsure if the issue is serious. You’re wondering if you should take your pet to the cat vet in Alexandria, VA. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to give your cat vet in Alexandria, VA a call. You can also use the following list to learn about common causes of cat limping and what next steps might be appropriate. Injury Of course, an obvious cause for limping would be an external injury to your cat’s leg or paw. If your cat suffered a fall or had a collision... View Article

What Diseases Can Cats Give to Humans?

March 14, 2019 6:49 pm Published by

Can you catch your cat’s cold? Is it possible for your pet to spread disease to you or your family? Most feline infections affect cats only, but some diseases can be spread from felines to humans. These are called zoonotic diseases. Your cat clinic in Alexandra, VA has put together the following list of common zoonotic diseases to educate you on the potential dangers and how to avoid them. Rabies While most viruses only infect the host, the rabies virus can be passed from cats to humans. This virus attacks the central nervous system and is almost always fatal in... View Article

Problems with Cat Constipation? Here’s Some Advice from Your Cat Vet in Alexandria, VA

February 26, 2019 11:31 pm Published by

Have you noticed that your task of cleaning the litter box has been easier lately? While you may have enjoyed the relief from the odor and the scooping, your cat might not be as happy. A constantly clean litter box often indicates a constipated cat. What should you do if your cat is suffering from this issue? Your cat vet in Alexandria, VA can help. Keep in mind that you can always contact your cat vet in Alexandria, VA to schedule a checkup for your feline friend. You can also try some at-home steps to improve your cat’s health. Use... View Article

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Kingstowne Cat Clinic