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Lower Urinary Tract Disease in Cats

June 3, 2020 11:13 pm Published by

Cats may experience a number of conditions that affect their bladders and/or urethras. These conditions normally occur in adult cats that are middle to senior aged. Any pet owner should learn the warning signs and treatment methods for lower urinary tract disease in cats in Alexandria, VA to keep their beloved felines healthy and comfortable. Is your cat experiencing FLUTD? Feline lower urinary tract disease in Alexandria, VA, also known as FLUTD, can happen for a number of reasons. As a pet owner, you need to keep an eye out for the following signs of FLUTD: Struggling to urinate Urine... View Article

What You Need to Know About Cats and COVID-19

April 16, 2020 11:29 pm Published by

As you are aware, the coronavirus pandemic is posing a worldwide health crisis. People are being ordered to stay at home, those showing signs of the virus are self-quarantining and those who have tested positive and are seriously ill are receiving medical treatment. People can catch this virus and spread it to other people, which leads us to today’s topic: companion animals and COVID-19. Before continuing on, we want all of our Kingstowne Cat Clinic visitors to know that we are practicing a new protocol until further notice (learn more here). Here’s what you need to know about cats and... View Article

Five Ways to Keep Your Indoor Cat Stimulated

April 2, 2020 11:29 pm Published by

While many cats do enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s generally agreed that indoors is the safer place for our feline friends. If you have an indoor-only cat, it’s extremely important that you provide an adequate amount of mental stimulation to keep your kitty from becoming bored or stressed. Exercise is also a must for indoor cats so they don’t become overweight (or even lazier than some of them already are). As someone with an indoor cat, you’ve probably searched the internet for easy ways to keep your pet happy, healthy and entertained. We would be happy to provide a few... View Article

Why Cat Teeth Cleaning Is So Important

March 27, 2020 9:13 pm Published by

Keeping your cat healthy is your responsibility as a pet owner, and part of that includes dental cleanings. Even felines can get dental disease, which is just as painful for them as it is for you. Plus, it requires general anesthesia (what cat will let you fiddle around in their mouth while they’re awake?) and can be costly, which is usually enough to convince cat owners to put it off. Cat dental health in Alexandria, VA is important, however, which is why Kingstowne Cat Clinic is offering 10 percent off cat dental cleanings during the month of March—be sure to... View Article

Catios: What They Are and Why You Should Get or Make One

March 13, 2020 9:13 pm Published by

Your cat more than likely lives the good life, just by virtue of being a cat, but most cats—indoor and outdoor alike—long to be outdoors. Unfortunately, there are many dangers outdoors, from wild animals to passing cars, making some owners hesitant to let their cats out even for a short time. The solution? A catio! It’s a cat-friendly enclosure that your pet can access from a pet door, allowing them to enjoy fresh air, sunshine and outdoor stimulation while still keeping them safe. There are a lot of pre-built options that you can install, but you can also build your... View Article

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Kingstowne Cat Clinic