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Brain Teasers to Mentally Stimulate Your Cat

September 3, 2020 8:38 pm Published by

Cats are wonderful creatures that are naturally curious, playful and interested in new things. Unfortunately, a lot of people neglect the mental needs of their cats, and instead focus only on providing for a cat’s basic physical needs. While it’s possible to keep a cat healthy while just focusing on those basic needs, it’s important to add extra elements of mental stimulation as part of your pet care if you want your cat to be happy and content. Keep reading to learn how to mentally stimulate your cat in Alexandria, VA. Pet parents vs. pet owners Pet owners provide cats... View Article

The True Nature of a Catnap

August 19, 2020 10:25 pm Published by

As any cat owner can tell you, there is no such thing as two cats with the same personality. Some are active, some are lazy, some are sassy and some simply can’t resist cuddling up in your lap (regardless of what you’re doing). As different as every cat is, there is one factor that unites them all. From the biggest lions prowling the savannah to your own domesticated fluff ball prowling the kitchen pantry, every member of the cat kingdom simply can’t resist a good nap. Indeed, cats sleep so much that casual observers have created a catchphrase to categorize... View Article

The Importance of Feline Hydration

August 5, 2020 10:25 pm Published by

When it comes to making sure that their beloved felines in Alexandria, VA are getting the best diet possible, cat owners should be sure to pay special attention to the amount of water their cat receives. Often, cat owners can unintentionally give their cats a diet that is low in moisture because they operate under the impression that their feline is drinking plenty of water from their dish or fountain. That may not be the case, which means your cat isn’t getting enough water while also consuming a dry food diet that is too high in plant-based protein and carbohydrates... View Article

What Are the Benefits of Catios?

July 28, 2020 3:57 am Published by

Far and away, the safest thing you can do for your cat is to keep them in your home. In years past, it was customary to let these capable hunters come and go as they please. That sentiment is changing as more and more homeowners move their feline friends exclusively indoors. Of course, you can take a cat out of nature, but you can’t take the nature out of the cat. Even when they’re exclusively indoors, you’ll discover that your cats are still drawn to the outside world. They crowd open windows and follow the flight paths of birds. Even... View Article

The Kitten Vaccination Schedule

June 17, 2020 11:13 pm Published by

As a result of the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, millions of people have been forced to shelter in place to avoid the worst of the pandemic. As we settle at home, some families and single adults have noticed something missing: a family pet. Across the United States, adoption rates of cats have been soaring as more and more people welcome cute and cuddly kittens into their homes. As these new kittens become cherished parts of the family, however, it’s important to make sure they have everything they need to grow up healthy and happy. That means making sure... View Article

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Kingstowne Cat Clinic