November 11, 2020 11:17 pm
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It’s good to know the link between cats and allergies. Cats can develop food sensitivities, and treatment for feline food sensitivity is often time consuming, but very necessary. The best way to assess your feline and their food sensitivities is to watch your cat for changes in eating behavior and know the symptoms of an allergy or sensitivity. Here is an overview of feline food sensitivities and how to recognize and treat them in Alexandria, VA. Common allergies and sensitivities No one knows for certain why cats develop food allergies. Allergic reactions are basically an overreaction of the immune system... View Article
November 8, 2020 5:04 am
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Black cats are a ubiquitous symbol every Halloween season. They’re a favorite among cat owners, even if they once inspired superstition. But where does that superstition come from? Why are black cats such an integral part of Halloween here in Alexandria, VA? The story of cats and Halloween goes back to ancient times with links to other traditions before joining modern myths. Here are three past and present traditions that make up the feline Halloween history. Egyptian Magic The earliest known link between cats and Halloween is the Egyptians. They revered cats and kept them in special sanctuaries where priests... View Article
October 24, 2020 5:04 am
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The importance of wellness exams for cats cannot be understated. Even the most mellow, laid-back cats can mask illness and you may not see symptoms until it is too late. For that reason, the best way you can do well by your cat is to stay current with their wellness exams. Here are a few of the biggest benefits of an annual cat exam—even if your furry feline isn’t so thrilled about the appointment. Early illness detection: Cats hide ailments well and some conditions have a higher chance of recovery if a vet detects it early. At Kingstowne Cat Clinic,... View Article
October 15, 2020 10:22 pm
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Cat owners in Alexandria, VA too often dismiss inappropriate urination as bad behavior. What’s more likely is that an underlying health issue is at play. Peeing outside the litter box, frequent urination and excessive licking are telltale signs of a lower urinary tract disease. What is a lower urinary tract disease? Owners must understand what a lower urinary tract disease is, because they’re the most common reason why cats visit the vet. The term “feline lower urinary tract disease” (or FLUTD for short) encompasses a group of health conditions affecting a cat’s bladder or urethra. Conditions that fall under FLUTD... View Article
October 1, 2020 10:22 pm
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A cat’s oral health deserves as much attention as that of their humans. Unfortunately, dental disease is prevalent among adult cats because owners don’t realize their furry friends need a toothbrush, too. Chances are it’s time to call your vet in Alexandria, VA for a feline dental cleaning. In the meantime, keep an eye out for these common signs your cat needs dental work. A tooth has mysteriously disappeared Take a look inside your kitty’s mouth to see if all their teeth are visible. If the cat has gone years without a feline dental cleaning, you may notice a gap... View Article