February 9, 2021 6:31 pm
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If you’re a cat owner in Alexandria, VA, you’ve almost certainly noticed your cat’s affinity for high places in your home. Cats and high places are a classic pair—any opportunity they can find to climb and sit or lie down on top of a shelf, a piece of furniture or any kind of elevated surface, they’re going to make it happen. But why is this? Is there some sort of evolutionary reason for cats sleeping in high places? Here’s an overview of what you should know. Cats love getting up high It’s certainly fun to watch cats figure out which... View Article
November 11, 2020 11:17 pm
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It’s good to know the link between cats and allergies. Cats can develop food sensitivities, and treatment for feline food sensitivity is often time consuming, but very necessary. The best way to assess your feline and their food sensitivities is to watch your cat for changes in eating behavior and know the symptoms of an allergy or sensitivity. Here is an overview of feline food sensitivities and how to recognize and treat them in Alexandria, VA. Common allergies and sensitivities No one knows for certain why cats develop food allergies. Allergic reactions are basically an overreaction of the immune system... View Article
November 8, 2020 5:04 am
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Black cats are a ubiquitous symbol every Halloween season. They’re a favorite among cat owners, even if they once inspired superstition. But where does that superstition come from? Why are black cats such an integral part of Halloween here in Alexandria, VA? The story of cats and Halloween goes back to ancient times with links to other traditions before joining modern myths. Here are three past and present traditions that make up the feline Halloween history. Egyptian Magic The earliest known link between cats and Halloween is the Egyptians. They revered cats and kept them in special sanctuaries where priests... View Article
September 17, 2020 8:38 pm
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Some cats spend all their time inside homes or apartments, while others are given the freedom to roam outside before returning home to sleep inside at night. Every household is different, and each pet has unique preferences and needs, but there are some factors related to roaming that apply to all cats, and these should be carefully considered before deciding what’s best for you and your cat. Keep reading for more information about cats and roaming behavior in Alexandria, VA. Pros and cons of outdoor play Before determining whether it’s best to keep your cat inside or outside, it’s a... View Article
September 3, 2020 8:38 pm
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Cats are wonderful creatures that are naturally curious, playful and interested in new things. Unfortunately, a lot of people neglect the mental needs of their cats, and instead focus only on providing for a cat’s basic physical needs. While it’s possible to keep a cat healthy while just focusing on those basic needs, it’s important to add extra elements of mental stimulation as part of your pet care if you want your cat to be happy and content. Keep reading to learn how to mentally stimulate your cat in Alexandria, VA. Pet parents vs. pet owners Pet owners provide cats... View Article