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Holiday Plants and Foods That Are Toxic to Cats

November 8, 2018 11:12 pm Published by

As the temperature outside trends downward and the holiday season begins to ramp up, many pet owners are preparing their favorite dishes and bringing festive plants and decorations indoors. Unfortunately, not all of these preparations are pet-friendly—some popular plants and food items that proliferate during the holidays are toxic and potentially deadly to cats. If you’re concerned that your cat has come into contact with any potentially harmful substances, call an expert at a cat clinic in Alexandria, VA right away. If treated immediately, exposure to some toxins may be reversible. Don’t wait to call a qualified veterinary expert, however—cats... View Article

How to Safely Trim Your Cat’s Nails

October 20, 2018 2:27 am Published by

It’s a task few cat owners enjoy. In fact, many dread it. Trimming a cat’s nails can be stressful for both the pet and the person. It requires knowledge, skill and finesse. Your cat clinic in Alexandria, VA understands the challenges of this chore. That’s why we’re offering the following guide to help you safely trim your cat’s nails. When you know the proper procedure and a few tips to make the process easier, you no longer have to hate this task. You and your kitty can make this a regular part of your routine that neither of you dreads.... View Article

Giardia: What Is It, and What Does It Mean for Your Cat?

September 21, 2018 9:48 pm Published by

Cats are curious creatures, and sometimes this curiosity leads to problems with their health. Although dogs are usually known for sniffing and eating other animals’ feces, some cats are also guilty of this nasty habit, which can lead to the development of a variety of infections. One infection that is somewhat common in cats is giardiasis. Caused by the single-cell parasitic organism Giardia, giardiasis affects the intestinal tract and can lead to severe diarrhea, dehydration and other unfortunate symptoms. Because diarrhea is not normal in cats and can cause significant health problems, it’s important to understand how to spot giardiasis... View Article

What You Need to Know About Asthma in Cats

September 7, 2018 9:48 pm Published by

Many pet owners assume that cats are not afflicted by the same types of ailments as we humans are, but this assumption is incorrect. One health problem humans and cats share is asthma. Much like in humans, your feline friend can have an asthma attack that makes breathing difficult. These attacks can even be life-threatening, so it’s very important to understand the signs and symptoms of feline asthma so you can take action if an asthma attack occurs. Asthma is not a curable condition, but with the help of a cat vet in Alexandria, VA, you can help your cat... View Article

Introducing a New Cat to Another

August 22, 2018 4:14 pm Published by

Are you considering bringing home a second cat? Perhaps you’ve already introduced a second (or third) cat to your household, and your pets aren’t handling it very well. This time of transition can be stressful for everyone involved. Fortunately, your cat vet in Alexandria, VA has several tips to help you through this process. If you are introducing cats to each other, use the following tricks to keep the peace and help your pets become lifelong friends. Choose the Right Cat You can’t guarantee that your cats’ personalities will be in “purrfect” sync, but you can make choices that will... View Article

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Kingstowne Cat Clinic