November 3, 2022 12:00 am
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Cat litter is extremely important for cats to have access to. It provides many benefits for cats and helps them to release their bodily functions in a comfortable environment. You might be wondering what cat litter to use. There is a variety of cat litter on the market today and knowing which one to purchase is also important. Continue reading to find out more about cat litter, its importance, and choosing the best one for your cat. Benefits of Cat Litter Wards Off Smells One of the first benefits of using cat litter is that it does a good job... View Article
November 2, 2022 6:28 pm
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Cats use their tongues to clean themselves because they’re super obsessive about cleanliness. However, times will come when you will need to give your cat a regular bath in the tub. These are some cat bath tips for when you have to clean your kitty in the future: Ease Your Cat Into It If this is your initial time bathing your cat, you’ll need to ease her into it. The most gentle way to do it is to introduce your pet to the idea of taking a bath. You can try lowering her into a tub with no water in... View Article
October 4, 2022 12:00 am
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You are not alone if you are wondering how to prepare your cat for holiday visitors. The holidays are a time for large gatherings full of family and friends. Maybe you are hosting Thanksgiving at your home this year. Or maybe your cat is just not used to being around a lot of people. Either way, there are several ways you can ensure that your cat remains comfortable even in a household full of unfamiliar faces. How To Prepare Your Cat for Holiday Guests Preparing your cat for the holidays means you need to ensure that he is comfortable while... View Article
August 1, 2022 3:45 pm
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Pet boarding is something that many pet owners consider when they must leave town or can’t be home to tend to their furry one’s needs. Here’s everything you need to know about pet boarding. What Is Pet Boarding? Over the years, pet boarding has become one of the most popular services for pet owners. Pet boarding is a service that offers a temporary home for pets while their owners are away. This can be for various reasons, such as vacations, business trips, or holidays. Pet boarding facilities care for animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, reptiles, and birds. Most... View Article
August 1, 2022 12:00 am
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Is my cat overweight? As a cat owner, you might wonder whether your cat has gained unnecessary weight. Cat obesity is not a welcome healthcare aspect, and it’s essential to indicate that it has some severe healthcare challenges. An over weight cat has a higher chance of recording serious healthcare problems. Could your cat be overweight? Here are some of the signs and symptoms you need to check. 1. Loss of a visible waistline Usually, you should be able to see a waistline on your cat when you look down at them from above. Your cat might be overweight if... View Article