How to Spot Intestinal Obstruction in Cats

January 10, 2020 1:46 am Published by

With the holidays just passed and the Super Bowl looming, there are all sorts of new and exciting foods for your cats to get into. Aside from being unhealthy, they can actually be downright dangerous—especially if you love to eat wings, drumsticks and other food with tempting bones that your cats might want to gnaw on.

If your cat gets a hold of cooked animal bones, they can splinter and cause intestinal blockage. Not only is it painful for your cat, but it could be potentially fatal. Avoid these dangers by keeping your cat away from human food, and learn how to spot the signs of intestinal obstruction. If you think your cat might be suffering, get to a cat clinic in Alexandria, VA right away.

Consequences of intestinal blockage

It’s not just splintered animal bones that can cause a blockage—you might also see problems if your cat has had issues with hairballs, tumors, hernias, polyps and other medical issues.

If your cat is undergoing an intestinal blockage, they’re probably going to get weaker and weaker until the blockage becomes life-threatening. That’s because the blockage restricts the flow of nutrients and other substances in the intestinal passages. It’s not only painful for your cat, but it can even result in necrotic tissue if you don’t spot the problem soon enough. The sooner you spot an intestinal obstruction, the better off your cat will be.

Signs of intestinal blockage

So how do you spot an intestinal blockage in your cat? Common symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, refusing to eat, weakness and lethargy, abdominal pain or swelling, cold body temperature, crying and even an unwillingness to lie down, among other issues. If your cat is suffering from any of these symptoms, you’ll want to get them to a veterinarian right away.

Younger cats are more likely to ingest things they shouldn’t (holiday tinsel, for example), but any cat who has been exposed to small, tempting objects recently could be suffering from an intestinal blockage.

Treatment for intestinal blockage

Your veterinarian will provide you with a treatment plan for your cat, but it might include stabilizing them if they’re dehydrated, laxatives, endoscopy and—as a last resort—surgery. Assuming you catch the blockage early enough, your cat should be just fine. It’s a scary process for you as the owner, but as long as there are no surgical complications, Mr. Kitty should be back to normal after a round of pain meds and antibiotics.

Visit a cat clinic in Alexandria, VA

When your furry feline is feeling under the weather, you obviously want to get help fast. Visit Kingstowne Cat Clinic to help your cat live a healthy and full life. We are a full-service cat clinic in Alexandria, VA that can help you address not only major health issues but day-to-day veterinary needs. Since 1990, we have been providing care for your kitties. Call or stop by today to schedule an appointment for your pet. We look forward to meeting you soon!

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