
How to Spot Urinary Blockage in Cats

January 24, 2020 1:47 am Published by

Urinary blockage is a painful and potentially fatal condition for felines. This disproportionately affects male cats, who have a very narrow urethra. Tiny crystals and mucus can plug the urinary tract, causing pain, suffering, dehydration and even death. Here’s how to recognize feline urinary blockage, and be sure to take your pet to their cat veterinarian in Alexandria, VA as soon as possible to maximize their comfort and chances of survival. What is urinary blockage? Feline urinary blockage happens primarily to male cats between the ages of one and eight years old. The reason is because neutered male cats have... View Article

How to Spot Intestinal Obstruction in Cats

January 10, 2020 1:46 am Published by

With the holidays just passed and the Super Bowl looming, there are all sorts of new and exciting foods for your cats to get into. Aside from being unhealthy, they can actually be downright dangerous—especially if you love to eat wings, drumsticks and other food with tempting bones that your cats might want to gnaw on. If your cat gets a hold of cooked animal bones, they can splinter and cause intestinal blockage. Not only is it painful for your cat, but it could be potentially fatal. Avoid these dangers by keeping your cat away from human food, and learn... View Article

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